Saturday, September 15, 2007


After several weekends of hard work, Dad and I finally finished my flowerbeds this weekend.

First we ripped out all of the old plants and built a little retaining wall so we could build the beds up (they had a huge slope away from the house due to my lack of gutters). The wall actually took 2's quite a task!

Today we filled the beds with all sorts of bushes and plants. It's sort of hard to tell from these pictures, but there are actually several layers of plants with various monkey grasses and annuals towards the front. If you're really curious I can tell you the names of all of my plants.....I'm getting pretty good at landscape lingo! But I'm not that good....I can only tell you the common name.

Here are a few pics from tonight. If you're thinking that the two walls look different're right. I've stained the wall on the left because I prefer a more natural looking stone than the red clay. With recent rain and today's planting, I haven't been able to stain the wall on the right yet. Maybe that will be a project for tomorrow!

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